Monday, January 07, 2013

Homemade Light Box

I've been struggling to capture the real colour of my polishes/manis for a while now, and I've seen some ladies who have bought light boxes and it produced incredible results! Now, I didn't need one that bad, as to purchase an expensive one. So, being the broke university student that I am, I googled how to make my own.

This is my finished light box! Small, I know. But I'm only going to be photographing a couple polishes at a time, and one hand so this was just perfect. (And don't mind my December calendar in the background, I'm changing it today!)

Here are a couple pictures taken in it with my iPhone 4. 
China Glaze: Turned Up Turquoise 
Finger Paints: Art You Wondering? 

Don't you just love it?! Here are the steps I (generally) followed to make it (I left out the black poster lads covering on top) 

Homemade Light Box 

The only thing I'm going to change is use a lamp with higher watts (I think the one I used for the above pictures is only 25 watts, but for now it'll have to do). The two nail polishes in the pictures aren't true to their colour in real life, so I think a brighter light will solve that problem. Also, I used printer paper as opposed to tissue paper but it shouldn't make too much of a difference. 

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